How can I avoid paying big transaction fees?

Pavel Durov - VK, Vkontach, Telegram, TON, GRAMPavel Durov - VK, Vkontach, Telegram, TON, GRAM

How can I avoid paying big transaction fees?

If you used e-payment systems to transfer money, then you know what big fees you have to pay. Pavel Durov, together with like-minded people, decided to create a completely new solution for fast and secure transfers in order to solve the problem. It is a blockchain platform integrated with the Telegram Messenger.

The main feature of the Telegram Open Network is the ability to conduct 1 million transactions per second. The throughput of the blockchain platform will become its hallmark. This is much faster and more efficient than confirming transactions on the Ethereum or Bitcoin blockchain network. The high speed of money transfer in the TON blockchain network is compared with such payment systems as MasterCard and Visa.

Many people questioned how personal identification will undergo on the TON network. Over time, the Light Wallet will be embedded in the Telegram messenger. Its key feature is the ability to work via mobile devices without the need to download the software through the blockchain platform.

The wallet will be completely secure. Telegram will not store users’ keys. Only users will have private keys. The developers of the blockchain platform claim that hundreds of millions of people around the world will be able to use their platform.

What is the future of Telegram Messenger and the built-in Light Wallet?

Given that Telegram messenger has two billion users, the plans of the TON team are optimistic. A new blockchain platform will be created, through which it will be possible to pay for services, goods, and transfer money.

The new economy and economic policy will make people’s lives easier.
