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Arthur Ochs Sulzberger
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13 сентября 2018

New York Times
6 лет назад

@ayannapressley upended the #Massachusetts political order last night, scoring a stunning upset of 10-term Representative Michael Capuano and positioning herself to become the first African-American woman to represent the state in Congress. Her triumph was in sync with a restless political climate that has fueled victories for underdogs, women and minorities elsewhere this election season. It delivered another stark message to the #Democratic establishment that newcomers on the insurgent left were unwilling to wait their turn. #AyannaPressley propelled her candidacy with urgency, arguing that in the age of Trump, “change can’t wait.” Addressing jubilant supporters at a union hall in Dorchester last night, she said: “It seems like change is on the way.” @nytimes profiled @ayannapressley this weekend, before her primary win. @sarahricephoto took this photo last night. Watch @nytgender’s Instagram Story and visit the link in our profile to read more about her.

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New York Times
6 лет назад

Maria Pascual’s 5-month-old daughter, Juana, was born with severe brain damage. Maria relies on an ambulance to get Juana to her doctor’s appointments from their home in Immokalee, about 40 miles from Naples, Florida. But the vehicles are sometimes busy shuttling emergency patients to hospitals miles away. Juana — photographed here by @eve_edelheit — has already missed 2 appointments this summer. One day, her pulse shot up to 220 beats per minute and she ran a 104-degree fever. The ambulance came quickly, but soon broke down. This rural stretch of Collier County has fewer hospital beds per person than Afghanistan, according to Beau Braden. He moved to the area to start a small hospital to serve its 50,000 residents. But this summer, a larger hospital in Naples derailed those plans by asking the state to deny the proposal, saying that the small hospital would siphon away patients and revenue. Rural communities across the U.S. are suffering the effects of hospital closures — and as Dr. Braden learned, the challenges to opening a small hospital can be enormous. “You keep asking yourself, Is this true? Is this America?” he said. Visit the link in our profile to read more.

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New York Times
6 лет назад

From @nytmag | On February 14, Ben Frisch, a pre-calculus teacher at Friends Seminary, introduced the day’s lesson — involving the calculation of angles of depression and elevation — by demonstrating with his right arm. He lowered it down and then raised it up. Then he realized that he was inadvertently pantomiming the Nazi salute. Ben is a practicing Quaker, but his father was Jewish. 2 of his great-grandmothers were killed at Auschwitz. Mortified, he searched for some way to defuse the awkwardness. And then he said it: “Heil Hitler!” News spread quickly at the private Quaker school, which costs $50,000 a year. Eventually Ben, the only Quaker teacher at the school, chose to be fired. | The question of what high school students should be exposed to, and protected from, feels murky in 2018. They are already flooded with uncensored, unedited information, 24 hours a day: What would a safe space even look like for a 16-year-old with an iPhone? @elizabethbick took this photo of recent Friends graduates demonstrating near the school. Visit the link in our profile to read more.

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New York Times
6 лет назад

@sherylsandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer, and @jack, the chief executive of Twitter, testified at a Senate hearing earlier today about their companies’ response to foreign interference in elections and the moderation of online content. Later on, @jack testified before the House Energy and Commerce Committee about the moderation of online content. The hearing took a more political tone than a Senate hearing earlier in the day, but he avoided taking sides. @jack, who read opening remarks from a phone while live-tweeting, said the company has found no evidence of political bias. “Looking at the data, we analyzed tweets sent by all members of the House and Senate, and found no statistically significant difference between the number of times a tweet by a Democrat is viewed versus a Republican, even after our ranking and filtering of tweets has been applied,” he said. @tom_brenner took this photo of #SherylSandberg and #JackDorsey earlier today. Visit the link in our profile to read more updates.

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New York Times
6 лет назад

“I don’t have a crisis anymore. I know I don’t exist.” That’s how beloved funnyman Jim Carrey responded when our reporter Dave Itzkoff asked him if he thought he was experiencing an existential crisis. The actor’s new @showtime series, “Kidding,” debuts on Sunday. It’s his first ongoing TV role since “In Living Color.” But he’s not in a laughing mood. #JimCarrey said he regards it as “the first thing I’ve done since I quit the business.” Not that he ever officially submitted a resignation letter to Hollywood. “I mean, in my head,” he said. “I struggled for a few years with the idea of, OK, what now? You get to it sooner or later, if you accomplish a lot of stuff.” His past accomplishments are staggering: “Ace Ventura: Pet Detective,” “Dumb and Dumber,” “The Mask,” “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” He made a credible crossover into serious fare like “Man on the Moon” and reached a kind of creative zenith in “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.” But lately his creative output has slowed to a trickle. Today, the actor — photographed here by @ryanpfluger — is 56. He can still twist his face into the contorted countenance of the Grinch when he wants to elicit a laugh. But, to pose a question that @shokidding asks repeatedly: How much can art really do to assuage the suffering of the people who make it?

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