Roberto Spinozzi
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21 октября 2018
Invited @isabellagodina to come and eat breakfast in the beautiful spot of @camariaadele, and she devoured this pancakes and the fruit salad in about 3 minutes! She's an Olympian! 🐷
giuliobrambillalifeWELCOME BACK MAESTRO :)
Sleepy but loving today's wake up in this remarkable place! Thank you @lesuitedipalazzosegreti for spoiling me!
Being a cozy minimalist is: not about having more stuff, it's about having the right staff! 🛋️ @lesuitedipalazzosegreti #HipEscapes
Watching the storm clouds roll in from the best seat in the house! #HipHotels #HipEscapes
Mood of the day: treat you better! 😍 Thank you @palazzovenart for this amazing breakfast! #PalazzoVenart